Thursday, June 28, 2007

NPC: Terminus

Teminus has been running the shadows longer than most and is wanted by just about every other law enforcement agency in existence.

If it fires a round or holds an edge, Terminus is rated on it. His cyberware is state of the art, and he knows more about cyberware then most of the experts.

Terminus received extensive special forces training from Lone Star and spent two years working for them as a special enforcer. During that time, he was the head of a special ops unit that went after the hard cases. His team was extremely hardcore and had a very high success rate, but in the end he sold them out to the highest bidder and geeked the whole team.

Terminus has long since traded away his humanity for shiny parts and has racked up more than his fair share of kills. He is more machine than man and has no remorse.

GM Note: I'm lowering the bounty on Terminus to 500,000 nuyen.

GM Note: My players encountered Terminus during our campaign and managed to disrupt his run, which was to free John Gibson. He is pissed and was almost killed by Jambi, who fired three grenades at him from Begby's hovercraft. Ballistic dragged him out of the firefight and escaped to a secure location. They will not rest until Begby's team is dead...

Downloadable Character Sheet: PDF

Illustration by Tim Keller


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