Sunday, August 5, 2007

Kilroy, is a 29yro human mage/thauamaturgical researcher


  1. Kilroy said...
    (I'm kigmatzomat on Dumpshock, Enworld, hotmail and other places. )

    Kilroy is an almost-thirty postdoctoral collegiate type working in Applied Thaumaturgy, which is that bridge between tested theory and spell design. He is a mage but a weak one as so much time and effort was spent on study & spellcraft. His casting ability is minimal but he knows huge numbers of spells, mostly ones he derived as part of his research. His magic theory, spell design, and instruction skills are quite high though. Much of his work is data sifting and recognizing unlikely patterns so he is an excellent researcher.

    Kilroy doesn't have the mental disposition to be a runner but several of his best students have fallen into the shadows over the years. His disillusionment with the megacorps is high because he has been burned by Corps on several research projects where funding was yanked or the project taken in-house just when the work was getting good. Politically he's a libertarian, which is generally sympathetic to those who have fallen through the cracks of society or squeezed out.

    Kilroy works at a public university and has some fear that he may be "head hunted" by a Corp against his will. He has provided training and assistance to his former students and a handful of other less-seedy shadow mages with the understanding that should he vanish, they come and get him out.
    JeremyRocksU said...
    Good story. I dig it. Thanks for helping us expand our universe.
    CanRay said...
    Was Kilroy here?


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